
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Give Me Some Sugar!

We all have our guilty pleasures. Natural beauties remedies just happen to be mine...from baking soda-acv hair treatments, to blueberry induced facials! So when I read an article in November's issue of Cosmo about succulent lips by way of grapes, sugar and honey... I was all ears. 

It's simple. (And I'm a simple woman!) Mix one teaspoon of honey and sugar (you could really mix 1/8 unless you want to do this with your man...wink, wink) Dip the mixture onto the fleshy side of a halved grape and rub into lips. "The sugar removes dead skin, while the fructose in the grape and honey hydrates." Rinse, then seal with a  lip balm of choice. 
Page 96, Cosmopolitan, November 2011

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