
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Little Taste of Home

By fault, I'm a country girl. Born and raised, 18 years spent in the same house on land my parents bought when they were only teens themselves. Now, by fate, I'm a city girl. I love everything face paced, full throttle. Having the ability to intertwine the two identities, yet prevail as one person? That takes some real talent. That's where these shots come in. My oldest daughter, Italia, loves  being in the country, as I suppose all children may. I mean, all things aside, running barefoot in fresh grass all summer long does have it perks (except for the vast amount of ant bites you may notice on her tiny little left leg). Therefore, when my mother handed her that cookie, I couldn't help but take advantage of the opportunity.  Nature provides photography's greatest backdrops. 

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