
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Erasing, Only Alterations.

I've been an artist my entire life. I won my first art contest in 4th grade. For me, art was just something that came natural. I never had to work at it, but I had a grave passion for it, nonetheless. In high school, my art teacher took our erasers and told us that a real artist would never have a use for one. Of course, that took some adapting, but to this day, I understand the lesson. Thus, I've been inspired to share my latest experience.

Last night, I had the brilliant idea that I was tired of my "straight, yet boring" hair and wanted Samantha Who? curls. I took my tiniest foam rollers, wrapped every ounce of hair on my head and went to sleep. I was very excited to wake up this morning with new hair. Boy... did I get new hair!? I laughed and laughed, my Husband laughed and laughed. My hair was so  curly, we both agreed I looked like a poodle rather than Samantha Who?!!! I hated for my efforts to be wasted, so I pondered around the house for a bit when the lesson occurred to me: "Real artists don't make mistakes, but create art from them." Thus, the modern, vintage, black and white, self-portrait was born. 

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