
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Maya Grace - 3 months

 My intentions had been to photograph Maya's newborn shots within the first few days of her arrival. Ha! After about 3-4 different DAYS of attempting, I finally gave up. She was a terribly moody, only wants to be held, non-cooperative baby! I was disappointed that we did not get the shots, but I'm making up for it now (that she's happy ;))

And just because she's the oldest... she couldn't go without a photo, too ;)

Xoxo <3

Mr. and Mrs. Havard

Kyle and Ashleigh are such a sweet young couple. They wanted to renew their vows in the church they wed before Kyle left for boot camp. When I offered to do their photography, they were ecstatic. Well, so was I... they are naturals! 
Isn't that the cutest little white church?!

Congratulations, to a beautiful, sweet couple. May your years be happy and plentiful. Thank you greatly for letting me share this wonderful experience with you.

Desk Restoration

All too often, we'd rather throw something away or donate/trade in it for something new, before stepping back to realize the potential a piece may have. My Husband had this desk that was given to us when we got married. We didn't have much back then, so we took anything we could get. This piece lingered around for a while and as we got new (or new to us) things, it got bounced around until we no longer had a place for it... or so we thought! I was just about ready to donate the desk, when it occurred to me that I needed a piece for our foyer. How convenient! So I explained to my Husband exactly what I wanted and he completed the execution for me. 
***I wish I had a before picture, but I just cannot seem to locate one :(

Photo Wall - Thrift Style

Do not buy photo frames from anywhere other than a thrift store or second hand shop. Why pay $15 for one frame when you could by 10-20 frames for the same cost!? Purchase the tackiest frames you can find (trust me on this) paint them with an interior paint of choice - or whatever you have hidden in the garage and voila! You have a gorgeous photo/art wall for a fraction of the cost.

The hideous frames --- 19 of them for only $8.56. 
 The painting takes only a day to paint and dry, so this is a simple and fun weekend project for those of you who are like me and have absolutely no patience :)
 From tacky to fab!
 The outcome. I can't say "final project" because I intend to keep adding to it... But I love it thus far, from the obvious asymmetry to the empty frames, it's exactly what I wanted. 

Italia's Cake Smash

I personally created everything in this photo shoot. I made the tutu/hat combination, stained a hardwood prop, selected a fun fabric for the back drop. I designed and made the fondant cake (lots of hard work!). Heck, I even made the baby! ;) Happy 1st Birthday Italia!!!

Maternity Photos

Pregnancy is such a beautiful (sometimes dreadful, right ladies?!) time, making it priceless to photograph because it is so temporary. It is the start of a new life, a gift.